We stopped at Roberto's house on the beach. What a gorgeous home! We all had a great retreat from the heat and were able to reshresh ourselves in the ocean and had a wonderful time just relaxing and talking. Minus a few minor run-ins with sea urchins and one major one, it was a fabulous day!

It was sooo beautiful. Many of us are feeling the consequences of swimming and being in the sun all day today, but it was completely worth it. :)

Some of the kids from Michel's church choir were able to come along. They had a blast in the water and we loved having them along!

You learn pretty quickly in Haiti to take advantage of sleeping opportunities whenever they come around. We were all really tired from our campfire night and the majority of us zonked out on the bus on the way "home".

We camped out at Michel's school and had a bonfire and just mingled with our new friends. Here we are at our heartfelt morning devotions led by Michel. His passion and love for his kids choked many of us up. What a great time to meet together with believers of a different culture and praise the same God! A morning many of us will not forget.

Ben with some girls that enjoyed his trumpet music. The music is such a great way to bridge the language gap and spread joy around to everyone in ear-shot. Thanks for sharing your talent Ben!

We got a ride in Annie's pick up. Yes we all got in there. Ben and Rachel, standing off to the side for the picture, hopped on the back and held on to the tailgate. As you can probably see, you can't exactly count all 20ish faces.. that's because we all are so crammed in there that some of us were hidden. Sorry Matt! Travel is one of the best ways to experience Haiti... great for team bonding especially because we all have to take care of one another and (quite literally) hold each other on. It's so much fun!

We stopped at the "Pink Palace", Annie's orphanage in Montrouis. She has a fantastic tire swing strung between two palm trees. Here's Jake pushing Giovanni and Mark. Both him and Ben, who was pushing earlier, we actually jumping in the air to push. The kids were going so high! Man is it great to have some tall strong guys along. The kids sure take advantage of their strength and endurance. Thanks guys! We appreciate all you do so much!

The beginnings of Lespwa's building!!! YEY!! Praise the Lord that it is coming along so well. It was so nice to visit and see the progress and stand in the place that God has provided for Lori and the group to continue and further their work here in Haiti. Keep praying for the land and for the safe and effective construction of the building; and that, even now, God would prepare those people whom we will serve there.

While the view is beyond stunning and the breeze is so nice... the road leaves a bit to be desired. It is quite a ride to get up there and the bus "spun out" towards the end. Here we are, after having to get out so the bus could turn around. When it came time to leave, a few of us volunteered to get in and sit in the back to provide weight and traction to get back out. Whew! Who needs roller coasters when you have a Haitian bus on gravel hills!
What beautiful pictures of the ocean!! Thanks for sharing the view with us!! I have enjoyed reading all of your blog posts this week, but have been unable to leave a comment until today because I didn't know how. Hopefully this will work!
ReplyDeleteWe will continue to pray for all of you and your last four days in Haiti! May God bless and keep you, fill your days with unforgettable experiences, and bring you safely back home.
Love to all,
Dawn (Matt's Mom)
It is true that a picture speaks a thousand words - but I wouldn't trade your words for anything. Keep them both coming as you are able to post. It's incredible that you're on your final four days in Haiti. I pray that time goes slowly, energy is re-doubled, purposefulness comes with ease, laughter and song continue to chase you down and overcome you, and that, most of all, lives are changed because you are there as Christ's ambassadors. I know your lives will never be the same. I send love and continued prayers. God's heart, your hands; His Hope, your heart. My love to each of you, jp